
by Mike Dwyer / Executive Pastor

Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. One part is the smells, the Turkey, but also the focus on our God, family and traditions. My daughter requires that we use genuine … real … mashed potatoes. My son likes the special stuffing I have always made with sage and sausage. We watch the same movie every year (Laurel and Hardy in March of the Wooden Soldiers).

I grew up on the outskirts of NYC and it was always fun to go to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, downtown. Since I have been born again the holiday has taken on a whole new meaning. At my table there are always believers and some pre-believers, but everyone is always willing to pause and reflect upon what they are thankful for on this one special day. 1 Thessalonians tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances.” Psalm 95 reminds us to always come before Him with Thanksgiving. In the beginning of the majority of Paul’s letters, he has a section which he devotes to Thanksgiving.

This holiday take some time, early in the day, to review those portions of Paul’s epistles. I promise you that it will change your outlook. Please join me this year in praying that the attitude of Thanksgiving will permeate our gatherings. I want you all to know just how thankful I am for each and every one of you. I look forward to what He has in store for us in the coming season. God Bless you all!

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