Stepping into Something New

by Danielle King / Web Administrator

Sometime this past summer, I was invited to take over teaching a discipleship class in the fall. It was something that I had pursued doing a couple of years ago but at the time it didn’t work out. When I was first asked, the fall was months away and I agreed to do it. As September neared though, I thought about all the reasons I didn’t want to do it; I could have filled a page with them! But what it really came down to was me not wanting to be uncomfortable. It would be way easier if I didn’t have to prepare a weekly lesson, spend another hour or two at church, and even (introvert alert!) if I didn’t have to meet with and follow up with a small group of people.

I considered looking for a way out, but really knew that I should try. I had prayed about it (making any new commitments with a young family is a big deal!) and I didn’t hear God say ‘no.’ At first, only two people committed to the class and I thought maybe we’d have to cancel it and I’d be off the hook! But a few more joined and it was set.

The beginning weeks I was nervous and a bit self-conscious, fought battles with the computers and slideshows, and had more questions asked than I had answers. But around the 3rd or 4th week, my husband caught and pointed out that while talking about class I mentioned it as something that I ‘get’ to do instead of something I felt like I ‘had’ to do. Another week or two later I was gushing to him about how excited I was about the class (and he never said ‘I told you so’… isn't he great?).

I still fight with the computers and projectors (small group leaders and fellow teachers, I know you’re nodding your head with me!). I still get asked questions that I don’t know the answer too. But I have been learning so much! Each week I learn new things about the Bible as I look over my old notes and books. Each week I learn new things about the people in our group.

And all along I’m learning about the goodness and provision of God when I’m faithful to take the first uncomfortable steps He’s leading me to. He’s showing me pieces of who He created me to be, plans He wants me to be a part of, and hope for new things still to be discovered.



Everything God Plans Will Come To Pass!