Rejoicing in the Day to Day Life

by Suk May Yei / Ministerial Intern

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24

Once in a while this is the verse that wakes me up in the morning. What a sweet up-lifting alarm clock! Most people may think it takes very dramatic things to make us rejoice and be glad. But in Christ, that is not really necessary …

How about enjoying "never cease praying and hearing from God" and …

  • On the two-hour drive to Letchworth Park to see the beautiful fall colors you sense God's call to stop at a supermarket, and find your favorite organic salad is on such a big sale that even the cashier could not believe it.
  • Waiting at the shop for your car to finish an oil change when the big screen TV shows the breaking news of a disaster, and you can instantly pray over it without delay.
  • Sitting at the doctor's office seeing other patients' sad faces while you can silently pray for them and give them an encouraging smile.
  • Picking a day through prayer to drive a long distance to visit friends and family in what is supposed to be the snowy season and the weather turns out to be great.
  • Seeking God's will on matters, and God speaks to you through your prayer, devotion time, the people at work place, school, a meeting or wherever you are.
  • Packing OCC gift shoeboxes for kids with a group of very loving sisters and visualizing God's love overflowing to all these children, hearing their laughter and seeing the sparkle of hope in their eyes and their souls … how amazing it is.

All the above happened recently … not dramatic at all, but is part of the day to day life flowing in to my soul with heartwarming joy. Thank You God, thank You for Your peaceful joy!

Discussion on the Review of “The End of Christendom”

