Volunteers Make the Difference

by John Morano / Next Gen Student Ministries Assistant

For those that don’t know, we are going through some transition right now in our Next Gen department. In August, our youth director relocated to North Carolina. And as we look for his replacement, I am constantly reminded that our volunteer leaders are what separate this ministry from many others like it.

Even in the relatively limited time I’ve been here, I’ve seen lots of different ideas or methods take shape from within our program. Some of these ideas end up being successful, while others not so much. Yet regardless of the outcome our leaders are behind it every time, striving to make what we do better.

You should know that we have some of the most engaged and connected individuals I know leading students. And I’m grateful for all of them as they have stepped up to make this transition the smoothest possible. I know whoever comes to fill this position will be blessed by this great support system, fully backing their vision for the future.

Simply Trust


A Mother's Flock