A Mother's Flock

by Jackie Bartels (Next Gen Ministry Assistant)

“Know the state of your flocks; put your heart into caring for your herds.” Proverbs 27:23

Back to school … It is a time of nerves, excitement, and heartbreak. As I reflect on the role of “mother” I realize how strong moms need to be.

We pour every last drop into these babies and the end goal is departure. That is crazy!!

But God said this is what we need to do. Know them and care. I know every day is not sunshine and lollipops. Some days are wins and some are epic fails.

At the end of each day do they know?
Do they know I care?
Do they know I know them?
Can they see Jesus in my care?
Are they drawn to the Father’s heartbeat?

Do the job God has given you and do it well. I’m not suggesting becoming supermom (who has that kind of time?), just reevaluate and reinvest. Make 2016-2017 the school year of knowing and caring!!! Let them see Jesus in your mothering!!

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