When the Lord Speaks to Me

by Donna Zangara / Next Gen and Preschool Director

I still stand in awe and amazement at the times when a certain scripture or worship song simply intersects at just the right moment and touches my heart in the most profound way. And it still sweeps me off my feet when I “know” that the Lord is speaking His love and truth over me and my present situation in a personal and intimate way. I am still humbled to know the God of the universe loves me, cares about me and wants to be the solution and answer to every part of my life. Recently I have had a couple of “God-bumps” (a.k.a. “goosebumps”)… take your breath away kind of moments.

This worship song is my new favorite worship song: Death Was Arrested.
You can listen to it here:

Here is just a smidgen of the powerful truth in this worship song:

“Oh Your grace so free
Washes over me
You have made me new
Now life begins with you
It's Your endless love
Pouring down on us
You have made us new
Now life begins with You” 

It reminds us that whatever we’re facing, whatever battle is in front of you, the Lord has already poured out His grace over it. We have new life and we can apply that resurrection power over any giant that is threatening us.

I praise the Lord for speaking His love into my life in His perfect way and in His perfect timing.   
He invites us all to join “the song of the redeemed.”
We have so much to celebrate because “we are FREE, FREE, forever we’re free”!!! 




Waiting for God's Fantastic!