Waiting for God's Fantastic!

by Joni Canastraro / Print Media Designer

I'm so glad spring is here! I love waking up to the sun shining through my window and hearing the birds singing. The thought of warmer days and wearing shorts and a tee adds a skip to my step.

The winter seemed to last longer than usual for me. I think it was partly due to experiencing a bit of the winter blues. The pressures of life caught up to me and rather than looking at all the blessings around me, I turned my thoughts inward and focused on the negatives. 

That is such a slippery slope. 

The enemy certainly loves to take advantage during those times. He is right there piling on the reasons why I deserve more, why I have the right to feel this way or that way, etc. He knew that if I focused on those things, my thoughts would not be on God. 

During that time, while doing my daily devotions, God seemed silent... I felt so uninspired and little joy. Eventually, I was led to Psalm 105 and found a renewed hope in those passages. It reminded me of how faithful God has always been. I read story after story of how He helped His people in the past. He provided for their every need and did as He promised. That same loving God was waiting for me to seek Him and trust Him completely for the days ahead.

Also during that time, I listened to sermons online. I searched for titles with words such as "encouragement, joy, faith," etc. A quote from one of Charles Stanley's sermons struck me. He said "God is only silent when He is up to something fantastic." I loved that! What an encouraging thought! 

I'm so thankful God brought me through that little bump in the road. He truly is my comforter and refuge in times of need.  I feel energized, inspired and hopeful that whatever God is up to, it will be fantastic! 

“Glory to His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.” Psalm 105:3


When the Lord Speaks to Me


My Hope is in the Lord