
by Peggy Farrington (Office Manager/Admin Ass't)

Sunshine! Yesterday on my drive home from work the sun was shining so brightly. It was warm and refreshing to feel the heat on my face. It made me feel good … like all was right in my world. Isn’t that how we feel when we spend time with God?  

The mornings that I hit snooze instead of getting up to grab my Bible, don’t end up being great days. They honestly end up feeling like a rain cloud hangs over my head and I feel sad, depressed, and defeated.  

Jeremiah 31:25 says “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”

I encourage you to spend time every day in your Bible, let His Word sink into your heart, your soul, and your life. Just like the sun shining on your face on a warm day, His word will shine into your life. Trust me!

Together In the Pit


When the Lord Speaks to Me