Together In the Pit

by Rose Vohwinkel (Next Gen Assistant)

“We can't deliver folks from their pits, but we can get in there with them until God does.”
Jen  Hatmaker from “For the Love”

I do a lot of reading and often times get so caught up in the pages that I miss what is really being said, but this statement really hit me hard. As many of you know my oldest daughter Brittany had brain surgery and also a cervical fusion at the same time. Eleven hours of waiting and not knowing is… beyond words. But I can tell you that there were a group of very dedicated people who got into the pit with my family and waited with us until God did what needed to be done that day. Some of them I barely get to have a conversation with on a Sunday morning, yet they jumped in for us. Some I have never met but heard of her story from someone else.

Over eight weeks later, Brittany is still a very sick young lady in many ways. Only recently she ate what we would all consider normal food. As I write this, we are waiting to go to the hospital for another test to find out why she has vomited for almost 40 days of the last 50. And in that time I have had many who have stayed in the pit with us. They have sent us daily prayers and meals, visited, texted her and sent cards. Sure, there are the disappointments - people I thought would be there but they haven't been - but I am focusing on more important things and I pray they never have to deal with anything like this. But if they do, I will be there.

All to say that this got me thinking. How many times have I gotten in the pit with people? How many times have I said I would and didn't because my life was too busy? How many have I disappointed? I pray it is not many and that they have forgiven me. And it is only those I know really well. Should that be the criteria if I call myself a Christian? Is that serving others like Christ?

I may not be able to get in the pit with many these days because I am truly in the middle of big recovery for Brittany (and she is obviously my priority right now), but I will be a prayer warrior, I will send cards and texts and order food for a family that needs it. And when the day comes, I will be sure to get in the pit more often and wait on God to help them out.

And for those that have been in our pit and continue to fight with my family for all that God has planned for Brittany, “thank you” will never be enough.

Prayer Closet

