Fitting Him In, or Fitting Into Him?

Last Sunday we heard Dr. Steve Dunmire preach on 1 John 5, which he called the 'myth-busting' chapter. This section of scripture gives us assurance against possible deceptions about who Jesus is and how to follow Him. Watch the full message online.

Today on the blog, our College and Young Adults Pastor, Justin Jones, is sharing a deception about Christ that was growing in His life. But it's a common one, so it may just ring true in your walk as well:

We have been studying 1 John in the main services and downstairs at IGNITE: we have been studying 1 Thessalonians. As I have been reflecting on my life in 2015 and also reflecting on these books of the Bible, God has been speaking to me about some things in my own life.

There were some ways my life got out of balance in 2015. I have been trying faithfully for a couple years to minister full time, go to school full time for my master’s, and lead my family well. It’s similar in situation to many of us in this fast-paced, busy world.

I noticed that my relationship with the Lord was not what I wanted it to be; it had become part of my life and not everything to me. Most of us may identify with that sentiment. We may even be comfortable with this understanding of our lives. The problem, I have discovered, is that this idea is deceptive.

I was reading 1 Thessalonians 1 and speaking on active faith in the presence of God for IGNITE:. The question I asked myself in my own quiet time was, “What happened this past year as I made Jesus a part of my life instead of everything?”

As I reflected on this, I realized that I can’t make God anything. God is everything. If anything, I am part of His story more than He is a part of mine.

When I don’t acknowledge Him for who He is in my life, I am living in deception. Romans 1:21 talks about the end result of a life like this, “For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

How many of us need to take a step back and realize:
God does not fit into our lives, we must fit into His. [Tweet This]

How many of us need to take a step of faith and in the midst of the craziness to constantly acknowledge our need and dependence on God?

How many of us need to remember God’s incredible love for us? 

That’s what I am pursuing this year!

Seeking Him First, Together


God's Love in the Simple Things