Seeking Him First, Together

As we focus on Walking With God this year, it's important to remember that we are all walking together, with Him, too. There are times when mentors encourage us, time when we encourage others, and opportunities for us all to be learning and growing together.

Every Thursday evening, our worship team comes together to rehearse the songs for Sunday and to pray for the services and for each other. Today, our Worship Arts Director Terry Geartz is sharing about a unique time of prayer they experienced together.

A few weeks ago I decided that instead of a worship team rehearsal, we would come together to spend our time in prayer. Like we all often have, there were plenty of requests to bring to our Lord. Many of us had situations that we were facing that definitely needed to be placed in God’s hands.

We did go to Him in prayer, but this is the moment I would like to talk about.

As we were just spending some quiet time waiting on Him, He started bringing some things to our minds that we knew He wanted us to pray for. By later that night and into the next day, I found out that God was already answering these prayers.

I wonder how often we forget to ask our Father what’s on His heart as we go into our time of prayer. [Tweet This]

Seeking Him first will always be the wisest choice. I hope all of us can try this. The more we seek Him, the more we’ll see Him, and the more we see Him, the more we will look like Him.

What a powerful insight they had into God's heart, and it was all the greater because they experienced it together! Are you in a community of believers that's seeking God together? Who else is on the path with you, or just ahead or behind, that you can intentionally walk with?

Hephzibah Missions Trip: How God Provided


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