God's Love in the Simple Things

This past Sunday, Pastor Justin Jones challenged us to Walk in Love, and explained what that means. Along with that challenge, was the encouragement of God's powerful love for us. Pastor Justin reminded us that the only way to rise to the challenge is by knowing and relying on the love God has for us.

Today on the blog, John Morano (Student Ministries Assistant) is also talking about God's love for us, and how we can see it when we look for it:
“Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” C.S Lewis 
Feelings are what make us human. And I think it’s fair to say that as humans, our feelings towards others, ourselves, and God are constantly changing. Yet despite these varying emotions, God’s love does not change. His love for us is everywhere.  
It’s in the simple things: the roof over our heads; our job, our car. These are all blessings. 
While this may seem obvious, how often do we acknowledge it? 
We often get so caught in our emotions, or just routine, that the small things go unnoticed. It’s not until we step back that we see just how much He loves us and continues to bless us. Regardless of how we feel, regardless of what we feel.
If your cup is beginning to feel empty, and the people around you are many and difficult to love today, take a few moments and step back to look for God's blessings. Fill yourself back up with God's unchanging and endless ocean of love for you.

Fitting Him In, or Fitting Into Him?


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