My Hope is in Jesus

As we walk into this new year, we hope you have some anticipation. We don't have to strive more this year; all we have to do is walk with Him who goes before us. No, he doesn't just go IN FRONT of us, He walks WITH us. And as we walk with Him, we can rest in that and it doesn't matter what we face. Because He knows how to handle anything we may run into.

If we walk with Him, we need not walk in fear, trepidation or anxiety. We can walk in peace because He who walks with us is in control of all things. 

Today, Jenine Szymanski (Next Gen Resource Coordinator) has a great post on the blog about being reminded of that when it matters most, and letting others see her living it out.
This is a crazy time of year for everyone and I wish I could have shared this timely tidbit with everyone a few weeks ago. I was listening to the radio and I heard something that really stuck with me. Through promptings of the Holy Spirit this has stayed with me while many other things fade away. By the time you read this Christmas will be over but maybe you will remember this nugget next Christmas or anytime life seems too much: 
“I want to be overjoyed not over-stressed!” 
I want people to see me and see joy flowing out of me and not palpable stress. The conditions of this world and the circumstances of life can make it difficult to see or feel joy.  
The best place to find true joy is in HOPE! Proverbs 23:18 says “There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” My hope is in Jesus, He has proven Himself faithful over and over! 
Scripture always says it best: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

So as we take the first steps in the fresh days of this year, may we walk giving all glory, praise and honor to God!

Trusting God When We Face Trials


Fear and Worry