Fear and Worry

This past Sunday, Pastor Pat gave a message entitled "Facing 2016 Without Fear". At the worst times of life, in the midst of the biggest challenges, when fear can rise up in us, the word that God brings to us over and over again is “Do not be afraid.” 

Today on the blog, Betsy Cahill (Finance Assistant) is sharing what it looks like in her daily life when she leans on the Lord in moments of fear and worry:
I worry a lot.

I worry about my family and what the future holds for them. I worry about terrorists and where they will strike next. I worry about our country and the direction it is going. This seems to happen the most in the wee small hours of the morning when I can’t sleep and everything seems much worse.

I am doing the daily devotional Jesus Today, and in it God is constantly reminding me to keep my focus on Him. Whenever my thoughts and worries overwhelm me, I sing a hymn or praise song (in the middle of the night this is in my head!) or just think of Bible verses that I know about Him.

Are the concerns still there? Yes, but somehow in the midst of them, God gives me peace. He tells me that He is with me now and He will be with me in the future to face whatever may come, and that for me, is enough.

“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” Psalm 42:5
What is your greatest fear you have in life? What does God say in His Word that speaks to that fear?

My Hope is in Jesus


Asking God to do His Work