Trusting God When We Face Trials

In this past Sunday's message, Pastor Pat talked about experiencing God's presence as we walk with Him. If we are walking with Him, we can know that He is nearby no matter what things we may face, and especially when we are in trouble.

This week on the blog, Laurie Warner, our receptionist, is sharing how she is learning to continually turn to God first when she faces fear and trouble.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2
There is a familiar theme that God is trying to help me learn. I’m a pretty slow learner, but I want to get this right, so that my roots will go down deep in Him. 
I know my trials are nothing compared to what some brothers and sisters are going through, but they are the trials God has for me. 
Last week my son-in-law called to say my 2-year-old granddaughter Annabeth went to the hospital by ambulance. She had a cold and cough, but no one thought it too serious until she couldn’t breathe. It was a very scary moment. There was nothing I could do, but cry out to God.  
I thought about the situation a few months ago where she fell and hit her head and went to the hospital with seizures. God met her and us in wonderful ways. His word to me then was, “give thanks.” He knew what He was going to do, and He wanted me to have confidence that He was working in this situation.  
A few days ago, I heard the verse James 1:2 on FLN radio. We are to face our trials with joy, since God is at work in those trials to deepen our faith. The words to an old song came back to me: “When those trials come my human nature shouts the thing to do.” My prayer is that my first thought will not be my human nature’s ideas, but God’s word, because that is where we find life and hope.  
Whenever a situation arises that can cause me to fear, I want to look first to the truth of who God is and what His word tells me in that situation. Whether it is to give thanks, face trials with joy, or do not fear, that is the message He wants me to embrace. Our God is always faithful! 
Annabeth is doing well today. She has a respiratory infection that is not serious for adults, but for little ones, can be dangerous. But, God is in control! That is the bottom line. We walk with Jesus through every situation and see His hand in everything.

If we "walk in the light, as He is in the light" (1 John 1:7) then we will experience His presence in powerful ways, no matter what lies ahead of us on the path. Each bump on the path is an opportunity to trust God and deepen our faith in Him.

Our Tears Have a Purpose


My Hope is in Jesus