Trusting in a Different Power

The gift of God's love, wrapped up as Jesus Christ and offered to us freely, is the single most precious gift we can choose to receive. He desires to be WITH us and a part of our daily lives, and we can access that connection 24/7 through prayer.

This week on the blog, Betsy Hendricks (Early Childhood Assistant Director) is sharing how valuable and important she recognizes prayer to be, even more so as a parent trying to raise her children to be followers of Christ.

For the majority of my formative years, I was not brought up in a Christian home. We went to church every Sunday, mostly because my mom thought it was the right thing to do and my dad enjoyed singing in the choir. Our family was, by the world’s account, a “good” family. Looking back at this time, it doesn’t make sense that my sisters and I would be walking with the Lord as adults. There were so many circumstances which could have made us turn from Him, not the least of these being my mom’s brief illness over six months leading up to her death just after Christmas. The world would not have blamed us for being angry. It would not have blamed us for blaming God. But I praise Him for His divine intervention at the perfect time. 
I don’t think I necessarily know better than my parents did at my age. I just place my hope and trust in a different power. We have been entrusted with the lives of our children, but we understand they are only on loan. Being able to look back at my early life and see God’s grace poured out shows me that, as parents, there has to be a supernatural intercession that happens in our children’s lives if we are to raise them up to be Christ-followers. We cannot do it on our own. We just can’t. Even with all the wonderful Christian resources out there written by godly experts, if we are not covering our kids in prayer on a daily basis, we are not doing our job. 
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Be encouraged by God's desire to be with us and help us through difficult struggles. Whether that struggle is related to raising a child, persevering through a health issue, or working on a broken or fragile marriage, going to prayer is how we live out accepting God's gift.

The Gift of Being Still


An Unopened Gift? For a Better Future