An Unopened Gift? For a Better Future

This past Sunday, Pastor Pat Jones kicked off our Advent series by explaining that God sending His Son is like a gift that's been a delivered to us. It's up to us to choose to receive it, or else it sits unopened.

This week on the blog, Peter Lenuzza (Facility Maintenance) is sharing something he is passionate about, something he views as another gift that he thinks many of us are leaving unopened on the doorstep:

With the present condition of our country the future should be weighing heavily on our minds, and rightly so, since we were given an excellent form of democratic governing where each individual has a voice in the leadership of this country.
We see in Biblical history that the former Israel rejected God’s leadership and it led to their destruction. It seems that America’s Christian element is doing the same thing by not using the blessing of being able to elect good Christian leaders. Where good people do nothing, evil takes over.
The American Church has not played its role in promoting Christian leaders and in keeping its members informed. May God forgive us for our past failures and give us another chance at electing good leaders. Our country needs a lot of prayer.

As ambassadors of Christ, we should always be working to shine the light of God's love and hope to our world. Instead of being discouraged or giving up, Peter's post is a reminder to confess, repent and carry on with perseverance in the face of dark times. And we can persevere because of the gift of Jesus’ love for us all, demonstrated by dying on the cross for us, and having been raised from the dead. He is our living hope!

Trusting in a Different Power


Practicing an Attitude of Gratitude