The Gift of Being Still
On Sunday, Pastor Pat talked about awkward gifts; sometimes we are given a present but don't understand what exactly it is or how to use it and we miss its value. That's what happened between Jesus and Pilate.
Jill Ameis (Women's Assistant) is sharing about another potentially awkward gift: being still before God. Whether it's because we are busy or just don't understand, we can miss out on the value of quieting ourselves and just listening:
At a recent staff day of prayer, we were focused on Psalm 46:10. “He says, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’”
Be still. It’s a phrase I seem to keep hearing and seeing in recent months. Take time to be still. How do I do that when life is so crazy at times?
The thing is, I crave quiet and stillness. One of my favorite things about the holidays is to sit quietly in front of our Christmas tree, when the rest of the house is silent.
Why can’t I do this more often, when the allure of the tree isn’t calling my name? It is so easy to put other things first – exercise, chores, helping the kids with homework, or running kids around. But what would I hear if I consistently put God first, and just sat quietly with Him? If I were to be still and just listen?
During the staff day of prayer, I had some time to be still and just listen for God to speak to me. Wouldn’t you know I had the hardest time with this exercise? My mind was all over the place.
It reminded me of having an MRI. You need to lie perfectly still, and it is at that moment you have an itch on your nose or your foot cramps. My mind just couldn’t be still and I realized a couple of things during that quiet time.
It takes practice.
It takes patience.
It takes me consistently giving my time to our heavenly Father.
And the true reality for me is that I want to hear the Lord speak to me, but sometimes I don’t think I want to hear what He has to say.
I have had a few things on my heart lately, and I am still waiting for God to reveal the answers to me. If I could just quiet my mind and be still, what answers might I hear? Take time and be still. What an amazing opportunity to spend time with Him during the busiest time of year.
Schedule some time this week - write it on your calendar or set an alarm - to practice being still and listening to God. What answers are you seeking? Give him the chance to give them to you. Don't miss out on this valuable gift!