Sharing Faith With Friends

This week's blog entry is from Cristen Vohwinkel, Next Gen A/V Ministry Assistant.

By a majority, most of my friends are unsaved. They are believers, but not actively searching Him. It’s always been very difficult for me to find ways in my daily life to share my testimony with my friends, and teach them about the God that I know.  
This past week, a friend of mine who is in the marines was finishing up his two-week leave here and invited me to spend some time with him and his friends before he went back to base. His friends were very nice people and it wasn’t long before they asked me what I did for a living. My automatic first answer has always been: I’m a student.  
But after hearing Pastor Pat’s sermon about sharing faith with unsaved friends, I decided instead to tell them that I work in ministry.  
I got back four very blank stares before being bombarded by questions about sexuality, abortion, and politics. I shared the basics of what I know: that The Lord loves all of His people, that we are all sinners, and that I believe that if we ask for it, He will forgive those sins.  
Again, I received blank stares. Each one of them looked at me and shared personal problems that they had with churches or faith in general. I again explained to them that we, as people, don’t always get it right, but that God always does.  
And they all started looking at me like I was making sense. I felt as if I had begun to reform their idea of who God really was. It was such a blessing for people to look at me and say, “that’s not who I thought He was, but that’s what He should be.” God truly gave me courage to share my faith exactly when I needed it, and I am so blessed so serve a God who equips me whenever I need it.

Did the Holy Spirit interrupt your routine this week in order to give a witness to someone? Face it: wouldn’t you think it was neat if He did? Everyone has a story; it is also true that everyone needs a new story. We, as Christ's ambassadors, can introduce the people around us to the possibility of that new story through Christ.

Do you have a story of when God equipped you to share, like he did for Cristen? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Living Out A New Story


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