Living Out A New Story

Everyone has a story. But everyone needs a NEW story - one with Christ at the center. Since Jesus resurrected and ascended, God has been working through His church to continue to bring about a new story for people.

What does it look like to live out that new story? Today on the blog Meaghan Randall, Ministry Assistant for Worship Arts, is sharing how that new story has been playing out through everyday life:
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If anyone remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.” John 5:15
This past month has been like a roller coaster ride, but really fun! We closed on our first house and I started a small group/workout session on Wednesday nights, both challenging in their own way. Before either of these events went into full swing I was really enthused to get going and thought “I can do this!” Having complete confidence in my ability to own a home, do the repairs, move etc, etc, etc… and at the same time being very aware of my health and fitness, no junk food and lots of exercise. 
Apart from me, you can do nothing. John 5:15

Well I am about 3.5 weeks in and it is amazing how many times in a work out, telling myself not to eat that loaf of bread or block of cheese (my favorite foods), or in moving, painting, and making decisions for the house, that I thought “I can’t do this!” The easy way out would be to give up, but I gave those feelings of doubt up to God! 
Keeping Him near to me, always in constant contact (even when I’m about to eat that block of cheese) has given me the strength to keep going, to push harder. The comfort that sweeps over as you stay in His Word is so overwhelming; it only draws you nearer to Him.  
I never thought I would find peace in chaos. But I did! 
“Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:3 
How often do you step out in faith on a daily basis? Are there any things in your life that you need to trust God for, or are you making sure to only do things that you can handle without God? Tell us in the comments what living out that new story looks like in your life!

Experiencing God's Faithfulness


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