Shawn Dewey / Caring Network Pastor

The Path of My Story

As a child I passionately listened to my grandfather’s stories of life and lessons. Today I remain captivated by the stories of how our God moves through our lives, and how He walks with us. I would like to share a few steps of my story as I begin this new journey with you here at Eastern Hills Wesleyan.

Friends, my story would be incomplete if I did not start with the fact that God has brought into my life a wonderful soul mate in Sue, who has both encouraged and supported me through this call of following Christ. We have been married thirty-four years, and together God has blessed us with three children, a wonderful son-in-law, and now, three awesome grandsons.

On a personal note, I enjoy watching and participating in various sporting events and outdoor activities. I also have a great appreciation for reading books especially those on a spiritual nature that deepen my faith and open my eyes to new aspects of ministry.

Now, if I were to open the chapters of my story pertaining to ministry involvement over the past thirty plus years, you would see a man who worked within the family manufacturing business for twenty-six years; who then sensed God’s call to leave the family business, and enter a new season of encountering people for our Lord’s eternal Kingdom.

I began my pastoral ministry upon a mission trip to St. Vincent’s where our Lord called me forward. It was then (and remains so today) that His voice said and continues to say to my heart, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest.” (John 4:35)

One of the most prominent topics of my spiritual journey centers on the theme of Christ as Healer. As I refer to this term, please keep in mind that I reflect not only of physical or mental healing this side of heaven, but also how Christ brought me into His saving, intimate relationship of eternal salvation. Amazing Grace!

In 1987, my son Ryan was born with a major heart defect and was Mercy-flown to Boston Children’s Hospital. In the midst of this crisis God embraced Sue and me with His presence and hope. His healing evidence clearly was demonstrated in Ryan’s successful surgery, but even more so in those of our church community, caregivers, and chaplains, who offered listening ears and compassionate care.

Throughout the years there have been other opportunities to tangibly witness Christ our Healer. A more recent account of our Liberating Lord’s touch came on an assignment as Interim Pastor of Ashwood Wesleyan. Sadly, this community had been torn apart by an integrity issue of the previous pastor, and being a rural church, the damage rippled across the community. Through this I witnessed Jesus rebuilding His foundation in the lives of a faithful people, who yearned to be His wounded healers to the church itself, as well as to their surrounding neighbors.

From there I turned the page to witness a fresh aspect of God via the intercession of prayer. As I humbly pray, seeking our God and turning from the sin that hinders, I hear the echo of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – that our God will indeed hear, forgive and pour His healing into our city and region.

This allowed me to experience our God’s missional kingdom with new lenses. Wherever God planted me I sought unity, embracing our Redeemer’s spiritual renewal, reconciliation beyond cultural divisions, and reaching onward to those who are broken, without hope, and those who cannot speak for themselves.

Just prior to coming to Eastern Hills I served as Assistant Pastor at Knox Church for the past two and half years. My responsibility in this setting was to minister care, prayer, men’s ministry leadership, and neighborhood outreach. This divine opportunity I believe has provided the means and privilege to serve our Lord while growing His kingdom here within the ever-changing neighborhood of the Northtowns.

There is much more to share; however, for now, I pray you grasp my heartbeat. There are blank pages waiting for what God desires to write as I now journey together with you. I find it such a privilege to continue this journey with you Eastern Hills Church, and I know this: when His story lives out through us, we may be confident that those witnessing our Christ stories will be transformed for His glory and Kingdom growth.

May we write a glorious story together for our King!

Just Ask


Dawn Waggoner / Executive Assistant