Dawn Waggoner / Executive Assistant

“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 24:1

This verse kept running through my mind as I stood outside and witnessed the wonder of the moon eclipse. As the moon got darker, the stars got brighter. As so many have before me, I stood in wonder of God and His amazing creation. Creator of millions of stars and galaxies above me, the wind blowing the trees around me, the sun and moon that faithfully appear each day and night… This same God invites me to join with Him in this amazing journey drawing others to Himself. All I could think about was how often I fail Him… how often I miss those opportunities to put others first, love others, tell others about His love and saving grace… and yet He still loves me and encourages me by His Holy Spirit to not miss the next opportunity.

As I was thinking about loving others the verse from Matthew 6:19-20 came to mind: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth … But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” And suddenly it hit me; my treasures in Heaven will be the people that come with me. Am I focused more on the “stuff” I have here on earth or the “treasures” I hope to have with me in Heaven? I pray that each day my heart will turn toward those that don’t know my Heavenly Father and need His Amazing Grace in their life. I pray that I will pursue those “treasures” for His Glory every day.


Shawn Dewey / Caring Network Pastor


Peggy Farrington / Office Manager, Caring Network/Young at Heart/College & Young Adult/Prayer Administrative Assistant