Peggy Farrington / Office Manager, Caring Network/Young at Heart/College & Young Adult/Prayer Administrative Assistant

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”  Matthew 21:22

I think this has become my favorite verse lately. Something our family needed to be reminded of over the last 10 weeks. My niece’s boyfriend (who has become a part of our family!) left on July 27th for Parris Island. Even though I was just “Aunt Peggy” to Jordan, it was a difficult goodbye to make. Once he left and my niece received that phone call from him that he had safely arrived at Parris Island … there was only one thing left that we were able to do to help him. Pray. As simple as it sounds … it probably is the one thing that has meant the most to him during his basic training. More than those protein bars that we’ve been sending! We’ve prayed for safety, for strength, for endurance, for peace, for rest … and God has answered every single one of those prayers!

He began Phase Three of his training last week … and our family is as vigilant at praying for him today as we were when he first left. His letters home have been so positive; he can feel us praying for him, and he is doing well during boot camp. He enjoys attending church on Sundays. He has appreciated all the letters he has received from the church. He asks that we continue to pray. He begins the crucible on October 15. This is a difficult 54 hour training time that every recruit must go through before they earn that title of Marine. It will be a difficult period for all of the recruits, but it is their rite of passage that they won’t ever forget. What will I be doing for 54 hours starting on October 15th? I can assure you I won’t be worrying about Jordan – I will be praying and “Aunt Peggy” will be praying hard for this boy. Won’t you join our family in praying?

I encourage you that there is nothing that God can’t do if you just ask for it in prayer. Pray and pray often. “Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7


Dawn Waggoner / Executive Assistant


Joni Canastraro / Print Media Designer