Joni Canastraro / Print Media Designer

The kids and I had a wonderful and very busy summer. We spent time at the ocean, in our backyard pool, enjoyed family parties, and time with friends. Now that summer vacation is over, my mind has shifted towards fall and the type of busyness this season brings ... school, after school activities, holidays, etc. Thoughts of staying focused, being intentional and consistent in my walk with the Lord have been flooding my mind.

With so many things pulling for my attention no matter the season, it is very easy to get caught up in it and lose my focus. How quickly I become vulnerable to the world and the enemy of this world. There is nothing more the enemy would like than to keep me too busy for God.

The only way I have found to counter the enemy's pull is to be focused, intentional and consistent by spending daily time in the Word, prayer and being mindful of looking for God throughout my day. Whether it be noticing sunbeams piercing through the clouds on my way to work, an inspirational song on the radio, or remembering to pray for someone in need, it keeps me on the straight and narrow and close to my creator.

When I am prepped and ready to go, my days go a lot smoother. My home is a lot more peaceful and my kids are a lot more joyful. Can I get an AMEN?!?

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”   Ephesians 6:11

Peggy Farrington / Office Manager, Caring Network/Young at Heart/College & Young Adult/Prayer Administrative Assistant


Dick Bennett / Young at Heart Director and Caring Network Pastor