Judi Wheat / Next Generation Assistant

“Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 (HCSB)

One of my most favorite things to do is a morning walk on the beach along the ocean shores of South Carolina, as we vacationed there this summer. To look over the ocean and watch the sun come up, feel the sun on my face, the water splashing over my feet along the shore line, the feel of the cool ocean breeze on my body, and to hear the ebb and flow of the tide; all these things remind me of what an awesome and majestic God we serve. It allows me to experience God’s creation and love for me in a very real and tangible way.

As I walk along the beach in the quiet moments of early morning, I am aware of God’s presence, how He is interested in me and every detail of my life, and what a wonderful creation He has made. God’s detail in His creation is amazing, as evidenced in the many sea creatures that wash up on shore, from sea shells to small marine creatures. As shown in the picture below of a perfect star in the center of the back of this small star shaped sea creature that I came across walking on the beach. God is really amazing and no detail is overlooked.

After experiencing this amazing find on the beach, I continued my walk, watching the shore line and also where I was stepping; I noticed what looked like a small tree twig, just in front of my feet.
As you walk along the beach you expect to see sea shells, jelly fish, and things that come from the ocean, along with drift wood pieces, but not a twig that moves; A SNAKE on the beach, in my “perfect paradise,” absolutely not! To say that I don’t like snakes is a real understatement. But God in His wisdom knowing what I needed for that day, brought to my mind the verse from 1 Peter 5:8, “Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.”

My perception of a quiet walk on the beach changed that day. Even though the snake was small and it did not attack me, and I gave it plenty of room to do its thing; it caused me to be reminded that I need to be alert not only in my physical walk but more so, in my spiritual walk with Jesus every moment of every day. It is so important and essential to be in God’s Word and communicating daily with Jesus in order to be prepared when Satan, my adversary, is on the prowl, looking for ways to trip me up and cause my trust in Jesus to falter. Being aware, being alert, and being prepared in our faith walk, helps to keep us close to Jesus and out of the snares of Satan.

Ananda Etkin / Global Missions Ministry Assistant


Shawn King / Worship Arts/Audio and Lighting