Ananda Etkin / Global Missions Ministry Assistant


Cancer, divorce, job loss, death of a family member: those are the experiences that can truly break a person. Those events have the power to shake us to our core and break us apart. I, personally, know people going through each of those experiences right now. Some of them are walking through these things with the strength of God lifting them up and some are not. How do we, as Christians, stand up under these tragic and extremely difficult events in our lives?

Jeremiah 17:8 “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

I need to make sure that my roots are firm and deep BEFORE the heat comes. I need to spend time building and strengthening my roots by spending time in the word of God so that when the “heat” of life comes, I do not need to fear. I will be able to stand, shaking a little, but not crumbling under the weight of the pain.


Pat Jones / Lead Pastor


Judi Wheat / Next Generation Assistant