Righteous Resistance
Start Rebuilding, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Start Rebuilding, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Righteous Resistance

What can we do? That is the cry we hear most frequently when we feel like the systems we have relied on forever have become corrupt. The only option seems to be radical resistance. But what if that radical resistance is not using power against power but rather us simply doing what is right no matter what everyone else is doing? Standing for the good is God’s solution for a broken world.

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Standing Against Evil
Start Rebuilding, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church Start Rebuilding, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church

Standing Against Evil

I have gone through many seasons as a dad. Seasons where I have felt in control and at full capacity, and seasons where I was in desperate need of help. Those seasons seem to fluctuate fairly often as God teaches me more about myself and builds me up in His image. I love how God continually tells us to not be afraid and to stand firm. Those commands can be challenging during these crazy days but, nonetheless, they remain. How do we stand firm? How do we live, parent, and engage in this world without fear? These are great questions that we will explore as we gather together on Father's Day and celebrate dads ... and that's no joke.

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What is Missing that We Can Fill?
Start Rebuilding, Justin Jones Eastern Hills Church Start Rebuilding, Justin Jones Eastern Hills Church

What is Missing that We Can Fill?

As we have been learning about leadership this year the thought may have crossed your mind: but how do I actually exercise the role I have been given in order to impact the world for God’s glory? In this new series called, “Start Rebuilding,” we will be looking at the book of Nehemiah and how God directed him to start rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem in a time of brokenness. We begin by asking the question, “What is missing that we can fill?”

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