To See Is to Be Sent
Justin Jones, Zume Eastern Hills Church Justin Jones, Zume Eastern Hills Church

To See Is to Be Sent

As we conclude our six week series on Zume Training, we turn to John 9 and the story of a man blind from birth. Jesus healed him using a pool that literally means, “sent”. Sometimes we think we need to be fully healed before God can work through us, but what if being sent is part of God’s healing? What if the very thing we think of as weakness is a platform for God to show His glory as we step out in obedience?

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The Place of Prayer
Zume, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Zume, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

The Place of Prayer

How do we go about the task of making disciples among our families, our neighbors, our acquaintances? When Jesus sent out the twelve on their first mission, He gave them a pattern to follow that we can adapt for our mission today. It involves some simple, clear steps that empower us to know where to invest our energies and what to do when people are not open.

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We Get To…
Mat Dawson, Zume Eastern Hills Church Mat Dawson, Zume Eastern Hills Church

We Get To…

I hear many people talking about Jesus coming back and I wonder about the motivation. Why do they want Him to return? If He did return soon, where would He find our hearts? What would He find me busy doing?

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Zume, Shawn King Eastern Hills Church Zume, Shawn King Eastern Hills Church


Do you ever become so familiar with something that it loses its effect on you? Many of us have heard the Gospel, the good news, so many times that we can forget how amazing it really is when a life is transformed by Jesus. This week we’ll look at a snapshot of a woman who is used by God to bring many in a town to faith in Jesus. It’s a familiar story, but as we unpack it this week, we hope to have our hearts softened and opened to the wonder of the Gospel again.

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

We close out our series “Unleashed” by looking at two necessary parts of the process: gifts complimenting and sharpening each other, and encouragement building us up when challenges come. In the midst of a basketball game, I made a move, and a lone, strong voice acknowledged it and encouraged me to make the layup (which I did not always do!).

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Quiet Leadership
Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Quiet Leadership

Most every successful writer, athlete, or entertainer will cite one or two people who were catalytic in launching their careers. In family histories, most of us have “moments” that were impactful or family members who did something to inspire or encourage us. In the journey of faith, each of us has the power and potential of being that person for someone else.

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Pat Jones, Unleashed Eastern Hills Church Pat Jones, Unleashed Eastern Hills Church


A parent pulls their child out of the path of an out-of-control car, saving the child but losing their life. Nothing is ever said about it. A close friend has information that would save the life of their friend, but they remain silent. A person receives the greatest gift they could ever receive but says nothing. What is wrong with these pictures? It would be almost impossible to remain silent in these scenarios. And it is impossible for us to remain silent if we truly have seen and heard Jesus.

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Snapshot: Where We Are
Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Snapshot: Where We Are

Before we trace the Spirit-empowered movement, we are going to take time to get a snapshot of where we are as a church right now. God has been answering our prayers and we want to take time to thank Him and to discuss the metrics of success in ministry today.

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