Every Relationship An Opportunity

When we first came to Buffalo, I was asked if we were going to be Bills fans. I said, “Absolutely.” The question always has lurking behind it the idea “who are you for?” Usually we stand with a winner, or the team, a person we are closest to, or for someone like us. But what about a person who stands for those who are different? Someone who may even be considered an enemy? Or someone who works against us?

That got me thinking that in Christ, we are for “every person.” Why? Because Christ is for every person. He desires that “all would be saved and none would be lost.” (1 Timothy 2:4) Therefore, we desire the same thing for all people. So, in that sense we are “For Every Person.”

It is important that we listen closely, watch carefully, and engage patiently with each and every person who crosses our path. Every relationship or encounter is an opportunity to share Christ or engage them in such a way that they are one step closer to meeting Jesus. That is what makes life really exciting!

So, who are you for?


Let Us Not Become Weary


Prepared for What’s Coming