The Source

Joni Canastraro / Graphic Designer

I have a quote on my desk that reads “Originality is the art of concealing your source” which was penned by Benjamin Franklin. When I begin a new design, I often go to sources that inspire me. I take an idea someone else had, put a spin on it, and make it my own. So, the concept of “borrowing” someone else’s idea has been around for a long, long time.

As Bible-believing Christians, we know that Ben Franklin’s quote is nestled in the One who created ALL things (Genesis 1). Every beautiful idea, every masterpiece, every architectural wonder began with a thought that was God-inspired. God reveals His creativity through us and throughout all of His creation. There is no concealing His source because He IS the source.

Satan on the other hand has no originality in him whatsoever. He is a counterfeit. He steals God’s ideas and creation and strips the beauty from them. An example of this would be the Garden of Eden. The Bible describes it as paradise on earth. In modern day, that area is known to us as Iraq, which is a vast desert region with much evil rising out of it.

But Satan is a fool. Everything created points to the Creator. Acknowledging God’s creation and thanking Him for the gifts we all have puts the evil one where he belongs ... under our feet.

So next time you are inspired by something beautiful, a painting, a recipe, a garden in full bloom, a home renovation, a motivational speech, etc., remember its heavenly source.

“For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.”

1 Timothy 4:4


Just in Case


Repeated Reminders