The Long Haul

Mike Dwyer / Executive Pastor of Operations and Care

Photo by Paul Weaver on Unsplash

Ministry, like love, is accomplished over the long haul. Recently I have had several reminders of this truth. 

First, somebody that I worked with years ago gave me a call out of the blue. This gentleman, whose name is Fari, was a refugee from Iran, many years ago. He was of the Baháʼí faith. Fari sat near my office and had become a naturalized citizen and was very proud of it. We had prayed together back in the day, and he observed my habit of going to a nearby church every lunchtime to “spend time with God” as he called it. I have not seen nor heard from Fari for over 12 years. The last time we had spoken, he had obtained a job with the State of Idaho and was moving to Boise. Last week, out of the blue, Fari called me. He wasn’t calling just to catch up or to chit-chat about old times. He said he was calling because he was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and he asked if I would talk to my friend, God, on his behalf. Fari told me that he remembered going to the church with me and that I prayed for him. We prayed together and cried together. Then he told me that he had just started going to a church near his home; that he had not become a “Jesus follower” yet but was thinking about it. I wish I could say that he accepted Christ right then and there over the phone, but I feel that celebration is not far off. Would you please pray for my friend Fari, for his health and his salvation?

The second reminder was from a friend who I had been in a Triad with at least 20 years ago, when I was a relatively new Christian. My daughter, Laura, had responded to an online ad for a new couch that some people were getting rid of. When we showed up at the house in Kenmore, the people selling the couch were my friend and his wife. I had not seen him since he changed churches. When I saw him again, we embraced in a big hug. He started quoting some of the discipleship quotes we had learned together all those years ago. We took the couch (at a great price) and we both vowed to stay in better touch.

Things rarely happen overnight, but rather with time all things are possible, and anything can happen. Often our investments in people come to fruition only after time has passed. One of my favorite biblical teachings is that “There is a time for every purpose under Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Be patient, be still and pray!


Adventurous Life, Abundant Life


Don't Give Up