Don't Give Up

Laurie Warner / Receptionist

Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash

As I go along on my journey with God, He never stops surprising me. He takes situations that look defeated and raises them up to glorify Himself.

I had a situation like that recently. I lead a women's Bible study and we had a situation come up that really divided the women in the study. I didn't realize the long-term consequences at the time, but then it became apparent that my group might fold. I was discouraged and figured that I would just bow out and that would be the end of it. I never felt that was what God wanted, but it seemed that was the direction it was taking. 

But God had other plans. A woman from another church called and talked to the Women's Director about a Bible study at our church. Of course, she graciously invited her and her friends. So now we had at least five new members in our group. They showed up enthused and so grateful that we would take them in!

We just finished a study called "Jesus and Women." The author, Kristi McLelland, teaches on several incidents in the Bible where Jesus interacts with women. She does it from a Middle Eastern lens, as she calls it, to add to our understanding of what the biblical authors meant by what they said and did. It is so interesting and has enhanced our understanding of these stories so much. Each lesson is a "Feast." Psalm 81:10 says, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, Open wide your mouth and I will fill it." God has shown Himself in a new way to each of the women in our group! As she says, "We eat the word of God. It is sweeter than honey.” (Psalm 19:10)

Never give up on what God has shown you to do. He will fulfill it in His time! I'm so thankful I didn't give up and God didn't give up on our little group.

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