The Disobedient Jonah & The Obedient Fish

Suk May Yei, Pastor of Prayer and Care

“The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.” But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord.” Jonah 1:1-3

“Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.” Jonah 1:17, 2:10

Days ago, one of my daily devotional materials was on the Book of Jonah. The amusing picture of Jonah’s “Kick & Scream” vs. the huge fish’s “Obedience” made me giggle. And it was exactly at that moment I heard the Lord’s small voice, “This will be title of your Engaging Story!”

While wondering what to put under this topic, the Lord kept flashing back the adventures that I had in the past four weeks. Thank you, Lord … they happened one after another but not all at the same time!

What Happened: Lights in some rooms were not working, bathroom and kitchen drains had blockages, dirty water backed up soaking carpet, and my car acted up right before long distance driving trips!

My Responses: Tons of prayers as usual, “Dear Lord, what do You want me to know? And what do You want me to do and not to do?”

The Lord’s Directives: Keep praying for what to do next, stay calm, count it all joy, make the most of all opportunities for the Kingdom! The Lord says so, so I followed as usual.

The Outcomes: Problems fixed, impacted room was cleaned and repainted, carpet got deep shampooed, car was ready again – all completed at the perfect timing with top-of-the-line quality more than I can imagine; while all ministry works finished and trips went on as scheduled. I was in a good mood at all times, though physically very exhausted. Plus, the amazing bonus of days after days of casual conversations and deep spiritual conversations (Gospel sharing, spiritual growth directives, seed planting; however the Lord led) with all those very hardworking handymen/contractors who came in to help. And last but not least, hosted an on-line Prayer Circle Meeting (no personal request but just pray out from Scriptures) while waiting at the car shop where the clients around could see my Houghton University T-shirt, my cross, my Bible and hear the Scripture readings and the prayers! Again, more than I can ever imagine and more testimonies to share! Thank You, thank You, Lord!

Reflection: I tried to figure out how all these relate to Jonah and the big fish, and the Lord said, “You chose to obey!” I really could not imagine how things would turn out if I kicked and screamed and whined the whole time. Yes, I did choose to obey but I know it is absolutely not to my credit – I can do that only because the Lord’s life and strength flow through me. Looking back of my life, I thank the Lord so much for how strategically He built “obedience” in me! First, HE started me to be raised in a very obedient culture. Second, HE reinforced in me through the school that I attended since I was three years old – a Christian School in the Far East founded by a missionary from America in 1872 where the first thing they taught was “The Gospel” followed by all the moral codes that came from “Obedience” which was first on the list! Third, HE further reinforced in me through my home church’s “Holistic Rhythm of Life” discipleship process when I was saved thirty-six years later in NYC! And now, here I am continuing to practice obedience!

I am so grateful that the Lord is with me at all times. He never leaves me nor forsakes me even before I became a Christian. Again, this is much more than I can imagine! Thank You so, so much Lord … Praise You for all!




A Posture of Prayer