We are a Reflection of God’s Redemption

LeighMarie Stegman / Next Gen Elementary Assistant Director

Reflecting on my faith has become such an emotional experience as of late. Thinking of the trials faced in life-changing events; the comfort that is placed upon hearts in those difficult times; the joy that envelops hearts in times of celebration; the support from like-minded hearts that can carry you when you can’t seem to move. I think of what I could have missed if I had allowed the enemy to succeed in his destructive nature. If I had believed the lies that he tried to worm through any crack in my heart.

I urge anyone who is in the process of expressing their identity with Christ’s death and resurrection to remember that we are a reflection of God’s redemption! He has pleaded the case for our souls, and through Him all things are possible.

Know that your journey is just beginning and that you are a treasured child! It is not a life without mistakes or tribulations, it is a life of being held and redirected by a Father that has the truest unconditional love.


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