My Jesus

I am just coming out of the Easter season and still filled with so much joy from all the celebrations that I was privileged to participate in. Easter Jam was amazing! The children and families that attended and participated in an epic celebration as we proclaimed, “Jesus is Alive.” My daughter and I are watching our HUMILITY plant grow and we are putting others first by taking time to pray for so many people we love. I’m still treasuring up Resurrection Sunday services with my husband sharing his testimony for the first time publicly. So much to celebrate this year. God is so good! And He is faithful!

During Holy week each year I like to go on the journey of Jesus’ last week by reading through the scriptures. Ever since I became a Christian John 20:13 just wrecks me. I cannot read it without crying.

They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.”

Recently I have been loving Anna Wilson’s new song, “MY Jesus.” If you haven’t heard it, you need to listen.

The lyrics of the song are an anthem and a declaration.

“Let me tell you about MY Jesus and let my Jesus change your life.”

It’s so personal. It’s “my” Jesus. As I’ve been blasting this in my car every time it comes on the radio, and singing along at the top of my lungs, I started to think about how I would describe “my Jesus” to people who might take me up on the offer of letting me tell them about Him. That is a truly humbling and challenging task. I also realized the surge of emotion I have when I sing the words “my Jesus.” Like the John 20:13 scripture. That word “my” changes everything.

Is “my” version of Jesus big enough, real enough, holy enough, intimate enough?

Do I know the Jesus of the scriptures? Do I have my face in the Bible enough to know everything there is to know about Him?

What were His ways? What was He like? Does the Jesus that I have come to know and love, match up to the Holy Word that teaches us about Him?

When I begin to remember everything He has been to me. Everything He has done for me. How much He has loved me, carried me, forgiven me. How He has saved me. It gets very real, very Holy, very intimate very quickly.

I’ve made a list in my journal. I keep adding to it.

Jesus is so many things to each of us.

I encourage you to make a list for yourself.

Tell us about your Jesus.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of his Spirit, washed in His blood


The Little Things


Bulbs in the Sun