Bulbs in the Sun

Victoria Conn / Missions and Mobilization Administrative Assistant and Next Gen Ministry Assistant

“So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters are anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:7

Finally, warm “ish” weather has arrived as much as it can in Buffalo! All my life, I have been notorious for barefoot walks as soon as the warm weather hits. This spring has not been any different.

I was taking such a walk around the church when I spotted that all the daffodils had sprouted around the back entrance to the church, and it got me thinking. Daffodils start out as a toxic bulb in the ground, which inherently seems scary, but the potential for beauty and life is held dormant until Spring comes and the sun starts to shine. The warm, bright, life-giving sun shines down warming the ground and letting the bulbs know it’s safe to grow now. The bulbs grow into beautiful flowers and bring even more beauty to the world around them. But when the sun ceases to shine regularly, the flower dies and the once beautiful flower is again a bulb.

I think of God as the sun in this picture and the bulb as the people. Without God we are just bulbs, toxic and holding potential to live a glory-filled life; but with God, we step into this warm, sunshine-filled world where the flowers and beauty are stunning. If we choose to step away from God or grow distant, our beauty disappears, and our lives become toxic once again.

Without God’s warmth and glory, we are just lame and sitting in the soil. But with God we grow into beautiful examples of God’s faithfulness that shines upon us. I don’t know about you, but I want to show the beauty of God’s faithfulness forever. I want to be an example to others that haven’t yet left their bulb stage and are yearning to become that beautiful flower.


My Jesus


Just in Case