Focus on the Blessings

Carey Dugan / Preschool Assistant Director

When unexpected events occur, it’s natural for us to question God. Over the past year I have found myself doing this frequently as I navigate my own challenges. It’s easy to feel defeated and sulk in frustration. However, I am reminded of Job who faced far greater hardships than I ever have. Despite his struggles, Job remained faithful and sought God, even without receiving clear answers. In the end, God blessed him for his steadfast trust.

I believe that God allows unexpected needs to arise at inconvenient times to invite us to trust and depend on Him even more. This encourages me to focus on my own blessings and to think about how I can demonstrate my faith in God, knowing He will never abandon me.

“But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay before Him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” Job 5:8-9


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Relying on Him