Are You Ready?

hearts and bulbs on a Christmas tree

Carey Dugan / Preschool Assistant Director

Are you ready for Christmas? This seems to be the question we all ask each other this time of year. We are just making small talk, but what would happen if we really asked each other this question. What do we really need to be ready for Christmas?

To be truly ready we must be patient, wait, and be filled with anticipation of Jesus’s Birth.

To be patient when the checkout lines are long.

To be patient about the package that is shipping so slowly.

To be patient for that slow roasted meal that takes all day to prepare.

While we wait, how about praying for those around us? That they too will see the ultimate gift of Jesus. Pray for the overtired cashier at the store that just needs a second to prepare for the next customer.

Pray for the safety of our delivery drivers dealing with traffic and weather conditions.

Pray for the hands preparing that big meal for us to enjoy. That they feel our grateful hearts through our full stomachs.

To be ready for Christmas we need to be filled with peace, joy, and grace. Thank You, Lord for giving us Your most precious gift. And thank You that we as Christians can share this gift of Jesus with others.


Advent Devotional: Day 22


Advent Devotional: Day 21