Advent Devotional: Day 10
“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him.”
Nearly sixty years had passed since Pompey annexed Judea. Under the iron heel of Rome, the world cried out for mercy. Israel’s faithful remnant prayed for deliverance and in response God sent His Son, born of a woman, under the law.
Through Doctor Luke’s ready pen, the Holy Spirit describes the man Simeon as a righteous and devout fellow who carefully observed the law of his fathers. The nation’s redemption was ever on his mind.
Still, as in our time, doubts crept into disbelieving hearts. Contrary questions were raised. Why hasn’t the Lord fulfilled the promises given to the forefathers? Why must we suffer? Where is God?
These questions never entered into Simeon’s mind because the Holy Spirit rested on him, and he rested in the Lord. He watched with anticipation for the Consolation of Israel.
The Messiah. The Seed who would sit on David’s throne. The Christ would be the Father’s Son and His Kingdom would be from everlasting to everlasting, an eternal kingship.
Although with His birth, the wages of sin would have to be paid. The Father delivered His only begotten Son, who was made a little lower than the angels, sent to suffer and die a redemptive death on the cross not only for Israel but the entire world. The Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, was then raised for our justification and ascended into heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand until His enemies would be made His footstool.
Don’t miss this. As Simeon, keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus. The next time, He will not come to earth as a babe in swaddling clothes. When Jesus returns, He will call out His own, and be King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Christ unveiled.
As we look to the past and celebrate Jesus’ birth, remember why He came the first time. Never lose sight of the sacrifice He made. Remember faithful Simeon as an example to keep vigilant, looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ!
“Father, we thank You for sending Your Son: the Way, the Truth, and the Life to die for us even though we are undeserving. May we faithfully look forward to the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Even so, come Lord Jesus in Your precious name. Amen.”
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