Jehovah Jireh: God Will Provide

 Leigh Marie Stegman / Next Gen Elementary Assistant Director

Photo by Dmitry Mashkin on Unsplash

Last year, our women’s Bible study group, Inspire, dug into the Old Testament and did a study on the names used to refer to God. Each week, we would cover another name, discuss the scriptures associated with it and how it related to our lives today. We discovered the many ways that God has worked in our lives and the depths of which He has meticulously cared for each of us. 

The name that I had been and continue to utter most often is Jehovah Jireh. YES, God will provide! 

Since that study, God has blessed me with continued reflection on all of the ways He can make us feel as if we are His only child; the ways He can show us so much love as though doting on His favored child. What an amazing God we have that can spend so much time on each of us as if we are His one and only responsibility! He has shown me and my family on a daily basis that when you seek Him, spend time with Him, submit to Him, grow in Him and obey, He sees all of our needs and makes provision for them. 

How deeply He must love us! How personal He makes it! We have been relieved of so many burdens such as paying our bills, food in our stomachs, clothes on our backs, a roof over our heads and joy in our hearts and lives! I long to spread that joy and share the many ways that He is and will always be Jehovah Jireh and His ultimate provision was JESUS!


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