It’s in the Little Things

Andrea Merrill / Pastor of Worship Arts

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

There are lots of times when God chooses to teach me in profound ways – through visions and dreams, through Scripture and podcasts all aligning with the same message in a short period or time, or through difficult circumstances when God’s presence can’t be denied, and the lessons are clear. I love it when He chooses things like that because they’re hard to miss, even in the middle of a busy day ... busy week ... busy life. 

I’ve had a few of those moments recently, but when I sat down to write this blog I couldn’t come up with the “right thing”, the most profound thing to offer to whoever is reading. So, I sat on the due date for this submission, praying and wondering what in the world to write that would have any significance or add any value to someone’s life.

THEN God helped me see: it’s in the little things. I’ve been thinking about the verse in Colossians 3:17 a lot lately and what that means for me in everyday scenarios. When I’m having conversations with the members of the worship team after rehearsals, am I allowing those to be moments that uplift and invest in the team in order to bring God glory or am I just tired and trying to get home? When I’m deciding how to react to a frustration at home, is my goal to make God smile and point the people around me to Him or just to make my point? When an invitation to spend time with family comes up, and I’m weighing my to-do list against the time it will cost, or am I seeing it as an opportunity to build a stronger relationship that shows God’s love? Even when I’m sitting in bed at night to pray before I turn off the lights, do my prayers bring God glory or is it more of a vent and request session? 

I know the “Christian” answer to all of these things, but when all of life is busy it can be a whole lot easier to take the easy way out and have it be completely justifiable.

I heard many times growing up that our true colors come out during the most difficult times in life. I’ve lived a season like that and I do think there’s truth in those words, but I believe now that our true colors are seen more brilliantly in the little things. If Colossians 3:17 could actually become my guidepost for EVERYTHING I do and say, and if the biggest cry of my heart becomes bringing God glory and building His Kingdom, then all of life changes! 

Busy day, weeks and lives are probably still busy, but they take on a very different mission because it’s no longer about me. It’s no longer about self-preservation (of my to-do list, my agenda, my reputation, my sleep!) but I’m just on mission with God and at His bidding at all times. 

Have I mentioned in services yet that my word for 2022 is MISSION?? I’m NOT good at this – it’s only March ;-) - but my prayer for myself and for our church family is that the words of this Scripture start to infiltrate us so that nothing matters but bringing glory to God.


Moments of Joy


God First