Does God Answer Prayer?

Alan Dusel / Audio Ministry Coordinator

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

There have been times in my life when I have wondered if God hears us … if He really hears us as we cry out to Him. Does He hear our prayers as we plead with Him to intercede in seemingly impossible situations? Does He actually answer prayers, or is that simply left to the natural order of the cosmos? Have you ever been in such a place? Have you ever found yourself in a certain situation where only God can work to change things and make a difference … where your faith has been tested to the core and there is nothing you can do but pray … and hope?

My wife and I have two sons that we love dearly, a 35-year-old, our first born, and a 26-year-old. They both are good men; loving, kind, compassionate souls, and have been raised to believe in God and His son, Jesus. We have tried our best to be godly examples within our home, and love them unconditionally, always encouraging them to chase their dreams, to pursue their passions, and to live life to the full, following the Lord. As children grow so quickly, they finish their schooling, and ultimately go off into the world on their own, choosing their own path in life.

Our oldest son Greg is an amazing chef and has worked at some wonderful local eating establishments over the years. Life in the culinary world is not easy … long hours, hard work, but very rewarding in many ways. My wife Brenda and I would often go to dine at places where he worked and were always so proud of him and his accomplishments as we got to enjoy the delicious dishes that he and his culinary staff would prepare for us.

As is often the case, life happens, and not always intentionally we find ourselves losing touch with family and loved ones. Greg kept busy with work and other things, and we didn’t get to see him very often. He would come over at holidays and such, and we always tried to keep in touch via phone and texting, but there were often long stretches of time where we didn’t hear from him. My wife and I would pray for him daily and would often leave loving, encouraging messages for him, inviting him over to watch the Bills game with us and have a home-cooked family dinner together. We missed him, and prayed that God would keep him safe, and would keep His hand upon him.

Early last summer Greg finally reached out to us, and we were so happy to hear from him! He agreed that it had been way too long since we were together, so we met him at a restaurant he suggested and had a wonderful time reconnecting with him, as his brother Corey was home from Tennessee as well. It was so good to see him and for the entire family to be together! We all agreed that we needed to see each other more often, and all promised to stay in touch.

One day not long after in August, he called me seemingly very upset and asked if I could come over as soon as possible. I rearranged my day, and got there as soon as I could, and found him waiting for me outside of where he was staying. He had been having a difficult time with his girlfriend of many years, and I suggested that he come home until he decided what he was going to do next. He ended up moving home and staying with us for a while as we found out that his long relationship with his girlfriend had ended. It was at this time that we noticed that he was not doing well health-wise. He had put on considerable weight, and always seemed tired. His work required that he be on his feet a lot, and his legs were so swollen that he had a hard time standing for very long.

Greg decided to take a new chef position at an establishment closer to our home, and we were so happy he was with us, and our family was reunited! He even agreed to go with us on a family vacation that we had planned for late September along with his brother. We had a wonderful time all being together for a full week on the beach. When we returned home, he eventually had to go back to his new job but found it increasingly hard to stand for long periods of time, and finally had to leave his shift early due to his swollen legs. One of his close friends convinced him to go to the emergency room that night, and after running various tests, it was then that we learned that he had acute liver failure. We were all shocked and so worried for Greg.

Throughout this time, we prayed fervently to God that He would help Greg.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

I was always praying for Greg … last thing at night, falling asleep while praying … first thing as I awoke, praying for him. So many folks prayed daily for him. He was in and out of local hospitals numerous times over the next two months, mainly treating an infection that he acquired from one of his IVs from his first hospital stay. Ultimately his doctor recommended that he visit Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester right away. They had one of the best liver treatment facilities in the state, so he made an appointment and went there in mid-February.

When he arrived for the two day out-patient evaluation, they found him in such poor health due to the infection that they admitted him into the hospital right away. As the doctors and staff worked quickly to treat his very serious life-threatening blood infection, they also performed other tests regarding his liver, and it was determined that Greg would ultimately require a liver transplant to survive. We all were so shaken and worried for Greg, all the while praying that Our Father God would help him. I reached out to my church family as well as friends on social media to pray. Literally hundreds of people, many I do not even know, lifted Greg in fervent prayer throughout this critical time. He was given blood transfusions to help combat the blood infection, along with IV antibiotics. We never knew until later how bad he was at that time, and that had he not been treated immediately, he would probably not be with us today.

Greg needed a liver transplant. But to be considered for a transplant, certain criteria needed to be met. Other than his poor liver function, he needed to be in generally good health. However, during the many tests at Strong, they detected a heart condition that concerned the transplant team. To test further, the doctors ordered a heart catheter nuclear stress test to determine if his heart could withstand a strenuous 10-hour surgery. The test results revealed that one of the chambers of his heart was slightly enlarged, which would place him as a high-risk candidate for transplant, and at that time he was removed from consideration for being placed on a transplant waiting list. He was told he had most likely 4-6 months to live. Our faith was being shaken and tested to its foundation … however, we did not lose hope, claiming the words that Jesus spoke in the gospel of Matthew:

“Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Matthew 17:20

Doctors continued to treat the blood infection aggressively with transfusions and anti-biotics with the plan that once the infection was controlled, they would simply send him home. Three to four days of treatment began to suppress the infection, which was a good sign, but still Greg was not officially on “the list” for a transplant. Then one morning, a day before being released, Greg read on his “My Chart” on his cell phone that the stress test results were being reviewed again by his hematology doctor. It stated that if Greg lost weight due to excess fluids in his body, he did not see an issue with approving him for the transplant list. They started him on a high dose of Lasix IV, and Greg lost close to 50 pounds in 36 hours!

Praise the Lord … Greg was officially placed on the “transplant list”! This was such a huge move of God, and we were so grateful and hopeful for Greg. However, Greg still needed a donor. There is also the possibility of a living donor contributing a portion of a liver, as this organ is the only organ in the body that can regenerate from a small piece of a healthy liver. We had heard that many people wait many months, sometimes years to finally get a donor that matches blood type and other criteria, and Greg did not have that much time. One Sunday morning as I was sharing this story in passing at church with one of our tech volunteers, he looked at me and said … “I’ll give him a piece of my liver.” I was floored that he would even consider this, as he did not even know my son.

Greg was released from the hospital the following Saturday, March 5, with the proper meds to help his condition as he awaited the possibility of a donor to become available. The transplant team told him to always have a travel bag packed and ready to go in case they were alerted on short notice to a possible viable donor. So, he went home to rest and wait … Here is when God moved as only He could! Our Father in Heaven heard the prayers of the friends and family offered up on Greg’s behalf … a little over 24 hours after being home, Greg got a call from the transplant coordinator that they had a liver for him! He needed to be at Strong Memorial Hospital the following day no later than 6am. This was simply unheard of, as most wait months for this call!

Praise you Almighty Father! We rejoice in your Word and are grateful for how you have moved on behalf of our son! The following scriptures helped carry us through this trying time…

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 16:7

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

Today as I finish writing this story of Greg’s journey, we celebrate three weeks post-transplant surgery. Greg has a new liver from a deceased donor and is home recovering and doing very well and is so grateful for a second chance at life! We are all so thankful for the excellent teams of doctors, surgeons, and nurses at Strong memorial Hospital. Greg’s faith (and ours) is stronger now for having gone through what he has, and I can most assuredly answer the question I posed earlier … does God hear us when we cry out to Him? YES, He hears us … and He will choose to move on our behalf if we have faith in Him and truly believe that whatever we ask He will do, for He is the God of the Universe, the Creator of all things, the Great Physician, Mighty God, the Great Healer!

Hearing God's Voice


Taming Lions