Promoting Peace

by Danielle King

“Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.” Proverbs 12:20

I am not an international negotiator, a marriage counselor, a school principal, or a political pacifist. However, it’s quite possible that I have logged more hours ‘promoting peace’ than all of them … as a mother. Sometimes it feels like I’ve spent as much energy promoting peace before breakfast as a hostage negotiator’s shift.

And I’ll tell you a secret: I don’t usually feel the joy that Proverbs 12:20 is talking about. Even at the first squabble, when I’m fresh and ready for a new day of loving and training my kids, the task of promoting peace isn’t really enjoyable to me. After a few more rounds of arguments, I feel frustration, exhaustion, stress, and annoyance. Joy? Nowhere in sight.

The times that I do experience joy are during times of peace - peace brings me joy. Negotiating and counseling young hearts is like an investment in future peace that will bring future joy. Like when I overhear them working it out amongst themselves, using grace and forgiveness with each other. Or when I see them do something kind and compassionate for one another. In other words, I have joy when I witness them promoting peace themselves!

And the funny thing is, that joy in my heart keeps me going during new “wartimes.” The joy I had watching them promote peace, together with the joy I hope for when we will experience peace later, carries me through the moments when peace and joy feel scarce. It’s a crazy, beautiful cycle.

Dear God, I hope it brings You joy to watch us promoting peace, like it does when I see my children do it. Please let your patience, grace and love be evident in my life while I’m trying to promote peace with my children, family members, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Amen.

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