
Matt Mikula / Assistant Facilities Manager

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Waiting … it’s a tough game. Over the last year or so my wife and I have been trying to patiently wait for our 2-year-old son Oliver to begin to use words to communicate instead of screaming or pointing when he wants something. Needless to say, he is still quite a bit behind in the talking game for his age. But I look at this as a lesson from God that joy can come from waiting PATIENTLY.

In Exodus, Moses led his people out of Egypt and into the promised land after 430 years of slavery. 430 years … that’s a lot of waiting. But the joy the Israelites felt when they left the imprisonment of Egypt must have been immense. The Lord kept His promise to His people that He would free them.

God keeps His promises through every generation and to every person, you only need to have faith. Through faithful prayer and for the most part, patience, we have begun to see our lil' guy blossom with new sounds and words and sign language in just the last few weeks. What joy it brings us with every new word he says. It is worth the wait to see our little guy grow. Glory be to God!

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