The Lord is My Shepherd

Laurie Warner / Receptionist

Photo by Julian Schiemann on Unsplash

“The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.” Psalm 23:1-2

Psalm 23. The Lord is my Shepherd. We can all say it by heart, right? It's the first psalm we ever learned so it’s very familiar. Unfortunately, I have approached this psalm this way for years. But I am studying it now in my Bible study group and find it to be anything but ordinary. Taking time to unpack all the richness found in this psalm is very satisfying and filling to my soul.

It is a very personal psalm. David gives us a glimpse into the Father’s heart and uses a metaphor that many could identify with. I really did not like being compared to a sheep because sheep are vulnerable, and they are followers. I like to think of myself as being more independent. But, quite honestly, I see sheep qualities in me, for sure. I’m not sure independence is always a good thing. He created me to need Him and to have my needs met by him. Then I had the thought that God made the sheep that way on purpose, so He could give us a picture of ourselves. He is always one step ahead of us!

I learned that the Shepherd is strong and gentle, and because of this there is nothing I lack. I have everything I need in my Shepherd. Like sheep, I pay more attention to the Shepherd than what I think are my needs. Every day I put my agenda under my Shepherd’s authority. Go where He leads. Then I experience “I shall not want.” I asked myself the question, “Do I really let him lead me to still water?” Or do I run around trying to find it myself? If I trust the Shepherd, He will lead me to the still water, and I will lack nothing.

We have only studied the first two verses and I have been challenged and encouraged. God has so much in His word for us!

Marks of a Christian Gentleman


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