The Perfect Gift

Alan Dusel / Audio Ministry Coordinator

When we reflect on past Christmases during our childhood, we often remember the gifts we received. I can remember very clearly many of the presents I got as a child, especially the ones “I wanted.” Come on, why would we remember the ones we didn’t want, right?

I am going to guess that most folks reading this have seen the movie “A Christmas Story” sometime during past holiday seasons. Released in 1983, the movie depicts a typical 1940’s middle class American mid-western family and the story of their preparation for the Christmas season. If you have not seen it, check it out ... it is hilarious! In the movie, a 9-year-old boy named Ralphie knows exactly what present he wants for Christmas: a Red Ryder Range BB gun. The story tells how he makes his desire known to his parents. I won't spoil it for you if you have not seen it yet. 

For me as a 9-year-old, it wasn’t a BB gun, it was a Gilbert Erector Set, and a Tonka Tank motorized toy that shot “real” bullets, and a Tasco Microscope ... and the list goes on and on. I was fortunate to receive most of the gifts that I wanted as a child, and these gifts have left fond memories forever etched in my mind of Christmases past. I still have the microscope I received from my mom and dad way back when.

I bet right now you are thinking back about that one gift that you really wanted ... and that you indeed received as a child, or perhaps even as an adult. Even today, we find ourselves constantly searching for that “Perfect Gift” for our loved one ... that cherished elusive “Holy Grail” type of gift that will be remembered for years long after the gift is given. There have been a few times I have hit a “home run” with a gift I thoughtfully selected for my wife, and I recall how excited I was to give it to her. I can remember her smile and joyful reaction so vividly the moment she unwrapped and received that gift.

We often speak of another “Perfect Gift” given during Christmas and season of Advent. Of course, this perfect gift is God’s gift of His only Son, Jesus. This is a gift that begins giving the moment you receive Him as Savior and then continues to give throughout your present life here on earth and for all eternity. Here are a few reminders from God’s word to reflect on as we approach this Christmas season...

I. GOD HAS GIVEN US THE PERFECT GIFT OF LOVE “For God so loved the world.”
• He gave us the perfect gift of His unlimited love. (I John 3:1)
• He gave us the perfect gift of His unending love. (Jeremiah 31:3)
• He gave us the perfect gift of His unconditional love. (I John 4:19)

II. GOD HAS GIVEN US THE PERFECT GIFT OF HIS SON “That He gave His only begotten Son.”
Isaiah 9:6:
• He is called Wonderful.
• He is our Counselor. (Isaiah 42:16)
• He is the Mighty God. (Revelation 19:6)
• He is the Everlasting Father.
• He is the Prince of Peace.

III. GOD HAS GIVEN US THE PERFECT GIFT OF FAITH “that whoever believes in Him…” “For by Grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8).

IV. GOD HAS GIVEN US THE PERFECT GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE “…should not perish but have everlasting life.”
• He gave us the perfect gift of unending life.
• He gave us the perfect gift of a better life.
• He gave us the perfect gift of an eternal relationship with the Father.
• He gave us the perfect gift of a new home – heaven.

As we approach this most holy season commemorating the birth of God’s son, Jesus, on Christmas Day, be reminded that the “Perfect Gift” has already been given! All that is left to do is for us to receive it, and then share it with others. This is the one time where “re-gifting” is encouraged.

May you and yours have a blessed, safe, and memorable Christmas season!


Preaching the Gospel to Myself


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