Igniting Passion

Robin Schara / Pastor of Missions and Women’s Ministry

Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

As I reflect on my life this past winter, I would have to say God used the quarantine time to ignite some new and old passions in me. I love to paint and draw, which is something that laid dormant in me since my school years. I had taken some art classes, but as I started a career, got married and raised our kids I didn’t spend any time sharpening this talent. Quarantine changed that for me. With lots of extra time on my hands (all the mission trips were cancelled), God re-ignited my enjoyment for art. All of a sudden, I became very busy painting pictures, rocks, wooden signs, chairs, benches and furniture for others.

You could say God gave me something to paint the time away as He re-ignited a passion I forgot I had. It has opened the door for some spiritual conversations with a neighbor who I am doing a painting for. It is interesting that God re-ignited a passion to enable a spiritual conversation. I am looking forward to how He is going to continue to use this talent to glorify Him.

Besides igniting an old passion, He also gave me a new passion. Last fall we moved into a new home. Our expansive yard was traded in for a small courtyard. To enhance the small space, we added a bird feeder. Much to my surprise we have attracted many different bird species. Now we have several feeders to attract even more species. The joy we are experiencing just by watching these colorful creatures of God has been surprising to me. It causes me to just sit still and watch nature. I can’t help but be in awe of God’s creation. This new hobby has turned into many bird books, feeders, binoculars and a ton of bird food. As I watch the variety of birds in the air, I can’t help but think of one of my favorite verses in the Bible about these fluttering critters:

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26

As we watch these birdies, it gives me confidence to know how much more God is watching over us and how valuable we are to Him!

Besides being a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, what are you passionate about?

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