God’s Gracious Gifts

Ashlee Tomaro / Women’s Ministry Assistant

Photo by Alberto Bobbera on Unsplash
“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
A few weeks ago, I was trying to add an element of excitement to the Daddy/Daughter Snowball by getting my daughter all glammed up for the night. We talked about doing her nails and curling her hair, and she had such a sense of enthusiasm when we originally talked about it.

When it came to the actual day, I painted her nails and started curling her hair for the dance. Once I was done, I told her how lovely she looked and so she went to look for herself. When she looked in the mirror to my surprise, she cried and became distraught over the beautiful curls in her hair. Needless to say, I was just trying to do something special for her out of love, but she was not as receptive as I hoped she would be. After quite of bit of tears and some yelling from my daughter, she decided to diminish the curls by adding some sink water. At that moment I walked away out of hurt and frustration and gave her some space. A few moments later she came out of the bathroom balling her eyes out, put her arms around me, and apologized for the way she had acted.

This situation made me think of how many times God has done something out of His own love and care for me. I’m sure there have been plenty of times where I was unappreciative of what He did for me, even upset, because that it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. It isn’t until much later I come back and apologize to God for not seeing His goodness in what He did. We are the ones that walk away from God; He never backs away from us when He is hurt or frustrated by our actions. He is the giver of all good things regardless of whether we deserve it.

Finding My Gifts


A Hard, Honest Look