Finding My Gifts

Kim Howell / Worship Arts, Next Gen and Finance Ministry Assistant

Photo by Yosua Sinaga on Unsplash
For the longest time, I really believed I didn’t have any gifts from God. The truth is, I didn’t recognize my gifts, and even once I did, I didn’t want to acknowledge what they were. They aren’t fancy, won’t win me awards or make me famous, but recently I’ve come to realize they are powerful.

I have worked in retail on and off for 24 years and about a year ago I started working for a local coffee house. I was so nervous the first day my hands were shaking. The easiest task is working the drive-thru window so, as a newbie, that’s where I was assigned. You just cash out customers and hand them their order. I was terrified. The window opened and there was a person. My breath caught, I stammered their total and smiled. They smiled back and a comfort and peace washed over me like I have never experienced before. I was home, and I knew it.

I started talking to my customers and saw how their mood changed after a few polite exchanges. When they pull up and see a smiling person, no matter how sour the look on their face, they smile. It changes something. Jesus changes something. I have no idea what people see when they look at me. Sometimes I feel like the silliest person in the world standing there with my apron and headset on, but when they see me smiling and in a good mood, it changes them. I have seen people’s entire countenance change. They drive away smiling. It’s amazing. And it isn’t me.

The gifts of mercy, service and exhortation that God has given me allow me to love on people and bring His light out into the world. God uses kindness, a smile or a warm hug to minister to people in ways that words can’t. He uses those gifts to change the dynamic of a workplace, the mood of a person or a specific moment in someone’s day that allows them to go forward with more peace and joy. These are not little things. They are some of the greatest and most powerful gifts because they allow us to love others as God has loved us. That is no small gift.

Refuge and Fortress


God’s Gracious Gifts