Going Fast in the Slow Lane

Joni Canastraro / Graphic Designer

Photo by Victor Sánchez Berruezo on Unsplash
Recently I was driving to work, taking the same route as always, getting onto the thruway and immediately getting into the “fast” lane. Like most days, I waited as the morning rush hour traffic came to a crawl. This morning was different though. 

As more and more cars scurried over into the FAST lane … I noticed the cars in the SLOW lane flying by me. I chuckled as I thought to myself, am I the only one who is seeing this? The slow lane just became the fast lane! I quickly moved over to the SLOW lane and made it to work in record time. 

I thought about how this applies to life as a Christian. Oftentimes we assume the popular route (fast lane) or opinion is the right way to go or think, when biblically, God asks us to not follow what is seemingly right or popular. He asks us to follow Him even if it does not make sense. We understand as Christ-followers, His ways are higher than our ways. He leads us down paths we could never imagine. He sees the road ahead and knows the best route to take, and for me on this particular morning, His route to get my attention happened to be in the slow lane.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8

A Closed Door


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